• True Form Outlook

    True Form Basketball encourages the next generation of players to take the time to breakdown fundamental shooting mechanics.

    Shoot the ball with accuracy using True Form mechanics. 

    This initiative aims to instill an enhanced level of stability & fundamental ground-work to achieve success in competitive levels of play. 

    To provide a fun, safe environment to grow, learning through mistakes. 

    Teach players efficient fundamental techniques to increase shooting percentages and help them develop a confident "shooter's mindset."

    A supportive environment for young athletes to develop self-confidence and purpose on & off the court, through making the proper shot adjustments.

    A productive use of time in the gym, to gain knowledge and insights into the game. 

    The more time & reps working True Form, the better you'll get at shooting the ball.

    True Form intends to help players understand how to make real-time adjustments daily & enhance all-around experience in games.

  • The Shooter’s Mindset

    Cultivating a positive "shooter's mindset" is crucial. 

    True Form expects athletes to be excited to learn and grow.  Be prepared to stay focused and be mindful, while putting in the effort needed for growth to build confidence.  

    If you miss a shot, get that ball back and shoot the next one with confidence.  It takes time to develop a nice shot that hits the target consistently.

    Understanding your fundamentals and working to achieve True Form everyday, greatly increases your success shooting the ball in games.

    Sessions aim to instill a foundation for self growth & consistent, on balance, high-percentage shooting from any spot on the court.

  • Key Session Components

    Each session begins with a 15-20 minute stretching routine to ensure athlete safety, including foam roller exercises for flexibility.

    Taking time to help young players understand the importance of injury prevention.

    Use of ladder footwork progression workouts to improve players' balance, body control & all-around game.

    Shooting Drills: 

    Focus on footwork/stance, hand positioning on the ball, shooting stance, and rhythm. 

    Practice various shots, including close range (3-5 ft) mid-range jumpers (5-15ft) 3-point shots, and more depending on age/skill level.

    Fun and Competitive Drills: 

    Incorporate engaging and competitive drills to help players develop game-speed high-level shooting skills.

  • Session Details and Rates

    Session Details:

    Location: Santa Clara, San Jose, Campbell, Sunnyvale, CA areas

    Duration: 1 - 2 hours.

    Pricing Options:

    Individual sessions: 

    Indoor Session -  $75 hr/player

    Outdoor "park" Session - $40 hr/player

    Group sessions: $150/hr for 5-10 players

    Team sessions: $200/hr

    Session bundles offer significant savings

    Additional Offerings:

    300 Bundle:  Consistent growth, with a daily 1-hour session for 300 days out of the year at a discounted rate: $10,000 (up front) 

    Purchase sessions by the bundle and save.

    --This cuts hourly session rate to $30/hour per-player. If you want to develop fundamental mechanics in time for next season this option is for you.--

    ***300 Bundle - Locks in (1-hour) of time*** 

    working fundamental Baasketball mechanics with Coach B. 

    Choose ANY 65 days out of the year off. 

    [Ensuring efficiency and True Form growth.]

    Merchandise: Support True Form Basketball. Help us grow, order branded apparel and accessories.  Clean custom True Form Basketball hoodies start at $50 

    (t-shirts start at $40)

    Stay Fresh, Rep. True Form, 

    Keep it One-Motion.

 The Vision

To assist in unlocking potential in basketball players, through teaching them to develop True Form fundamental mechanics, to shoot with confidence while instilling the "shooter's mindset." 

True Form provides players with valuable knowledge & insight to make proper adjustments needed, to build self-confidence one shot at a time.

Keep it One Motion  

True Form Basketball focuses on footwork progression, balance, & agility while developing True Form & fostering a positive mindset in a supportive, fun environment. 

Fill out the form to step your game up, learning the basics. 

Contact Us

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